all pre-Eurythmics songs

= original cd
= b-side track or other

0 A B C D E F g H I J k L M N O P q R S T U v W x y z

Ain't no room
All life's tragedies
Angels and demons
Another english day

Ballad of hillary
Black blood
Blind among the flowers

Can't stop laughing
Circular fever
Cold love
Country song
Crying out loud

Deadly kiss
Don't get left behind
Don't say i told you so
Don't turn out the lights

Everywhere you look

Fools paradise
From the middle room

Hard road
He who laughs last laughs longest
Hold up the world

If it was so simple
I'm going to change my mind
In my mind (there's sorrow)
In the morning (when the madness has faded)
Into the future
I only want to be with you
It doesn't have to be this way

Just like you

Let's take a walk

Mother nature

Nothing to do

One step nearer the edge

Puppet man

Round round blues

Sandy's song
Save me
Silent emotions
So good to be back home again
Something in the air tonight
So you want to go away
Strange sky
Summers night
Sweet leaves

Take a man
Take a song
Talk to me
The golden lamp
The loneliest man in the world
The ship
Time drags so slow
Time to pay
Too much too soon

Useless duration of time

Walls and foundations
Week days

Last changed 17-Aug-2003